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eft roubles

Price: USD $ 0.00      EUR € 0.00      GBP £ 0.00      CAD $ 0.00      AUD $ 0.00     
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How To Trade EFT Roubles?

Roubles delivery directly to you ingame. Simply provide your ingame id and the item name (no account sharing required on the popup after selecting desired Roubles quantity and we will add you as soon as order is processed.

We recommend deliver eft roubles through the Flea Market. We dont cover up the 30% fee. You can only list your FIR(found in the RAID) item(s) for the amount of your purchase on the Flea market. Some items fee is very high,pls choose proper items to list in flea market,if you dont know which item to post in flea market,pls contact your seller for the item info.we always recommend post high value items to sell in the market. high value items will save a lot of fees. if you dont want to lose the 30% flea market fee,you can buy our EFT roubles farming service,just provide your account info,so our seller can log on your account and farming roubles for you. this maybe the most safest trade method.

You put any items you found in raid, this is also called FIR items,but we recommend to put price x10-x15 of the actual item value otherwise fee will be way too high. For example you found in raid Golden Rooster (50.000 sell price to therapist). Multiply price by x10 and put it on flea market.

you need to be level 10+ to use the flea market trade method,if you buy more than 4m+ Escape from Tarkov Roubles,you need to be level 10+.

Face to face Trades that are for low level char under 10,  Keys and Roubles will be dropped via raid after that you can sell it to any trader and receive the money you bought.

The second method is trading Escape from Tarkov Roubles by the flea market you will buy sks from prapor Lvl 1 and place them on flea market for 500k each and we will repeat that until you have what you bought.

How To Make Escape from Trakov Roubles?

There are several currencies in Escape from Tarkov, the most used one is Roubles (₽). Currencies can be looted across all maps, in various loot containers, safes, wallets, and on random furniture, e.g. bookshelves, wardrobes and tables.You can spend roubles to buy good gears and weapons for your raid.Or you can buy good items from npc trader,This is the main game currency in the Escape from Tarkov world.

There are also other currencies, such as Dollars ($) and Euros (€).

Dollars are the main currency of Peacekeeper, you can buy Dollars from Peacekeeper LL1, Selling to Peacekeeper.while Euros are mostly used for buying from Mechanic. Unlike Roubles and Dollars, Euros cannot be earned by selling items to a trader. You can buy Euros from Skier LL2.

Note that when purchased from dealers, Dollars cost around 10 more Roubles and Euros cost 15 more Roubles than the price listed below for each currency.

There are several method to make eft roubles

EFT roubles can be looted in raids, especially in the locked places
You can acquire roubles by completing EFT quests
Roubles can be found in safes
Escape from Tarkov roubles can be traded on the marketplace
You can sell everything to NPC traders and get your roubles instantly

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