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nba2k mt

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How To Trade NBA 2K MT?

There are two deliver methods for 2k mt coins,personal trade and auction house.we highly recommend to use auction house for 2k mt delivery.You dont need stay online in the delivery time,we need take 30 mins or several hours to arrange the delivery after we get your order.Using auction house is more convenient for delivery.

Buyer need post a player card in the auction house, fill the player name you already post in the auction house.

Set the start bid price.Set the buy now price.Buy now price is the amount of MT you want to buy.After we get your order information,we will buy your player card in the auction house,We will take the 10% auction house commision fee.Buyer will get mt coins in the end.

How To Put Up Player Card And Receive Your MT Fast?

1. Post player card in Auction House first. To ensure that duration auction as accurate as possible, strongly recommended the Auction Duration ≥ 24 hours!

2. Start Bid Must Be Random Number. Please do NOT post a Solid Number as a bid, for example, using 32,700 instead of 30,000 will help improve the delivery speed..

3. How To Post Players In Auction House correctly according to different Consoles ?

3.1 For PC Console User:

Recommend you to list one card with a Random number as Bid but NO buyout for 24 hours No matter how many coins you purchase.

3.2 For PS/Xbox Console User:

As PS/Xbox User you know it only allows us to post 100K buyout max at each player card. If you are purchasing more than 100K, please post two or more players.

4. How To Provide Us The Information of your Posted Cards?

After you post all the players you want sell. Click "My Auctions" in game, then take a full image of all the players and upload it through our website.

Is It Legit To Buy NBA 2K21 MT?

Yes,it is legit to buy nba 2k21 mt from playermall player to player trade platform,all coins offered on playermall is 100% hand made.You will never get banned if you buy from reliable seller at playermall sellers never use bots to farm 2k mt coins,they farm those coins by hand manually.All sellers are 100% real players in nba 2k,they dont farm coins all day.We buy coins from those real players and sell it in the market. We dont use one account to trade coins,we change several 2k accounts to make each trade safe.Use the same account to trade coins will get flagged.We also use dynamic vpn to change our ip address when farming gold. So our ip address can not get flagged by ea company.

Dont buy 2k mt coins from in game spammers, they are not safe,EA Company already watch their 2k account.

Dont talk about any nba 2k21 mt buying and selling things in game,Dont buy large amount mt coins on fresh new 2k account, or your buying frequency is too high,you will get tracked by ea company,it takes high risk of get banned.

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